
Welcome to Experience the Adventure!

“…I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” Jn. 10:10

Do you welcome each day as your adventure story, with God as the author? You can. As you embrace the unknown and release your dependence on routine, you learn to lean into God to overcome fear. As you welcome risk, you step out of your comfort zone and begin to look at life with the sense of expectation God desires. As you rejoice in the surprises life brings, you reclaim the spirit of a child, looking forward to the new things you’ll discover each day.

Consider the unknowns, risks, and surprises in the life of Jesus. His life began with the unknown miracle of a virgin birth, continued with Him taking the risk of putting the future of His movement in the hands of unlearned fishermen, and ended with the surprise of Easter. Now that’s an adventure story!

What if He wants to write more of the same into your adventure story? Eph. 3:20 says you have the power already in you for Him to weave these plot twists into your story.

Whatever crisis threatens you, barrier blocks your progress, obstacle clouds your future, pained relationships you live with, or failure you keep repeating ‒ they all become opportunities in your adventure story as you participate with God in resolving them.

Watch today for how your story unfolds to become reality. Remember, life IS an adventure when God is the author. Hold on and experience the adventure!